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~Merry Meet~
This page will update you on what's new on Xtremity Zone.
It's also got links to my other sites,
* Hello Kitty page * Pro-Ana page
As stated on the main page, my pro-ana site has been deleted
But this is not the end my friends. They will not silence our voice or take away the only websites that give us refuge. As soon as the new site is up & running, I will add the link to this site.
Thanx for ur patience guyz n galz ;)
The Jokes & Humour Page is now up! Go on, a good laugh will do ur stomach muscles good!!!
Got any good jokes? Email them to me & I'll see if I can't put them up on this page! (You'll find my email address on the Main Page)
PS. Dontcha just love my Limp Bizkit doll?! She'll take you to the funny pages...
Hello Kitty
I have put up a Hello Kitty page with
This is too cute to miss =^.^=
New Additions
*New poem added to the Poetry Page!
* Online diary updated 21/02/2001
I would like to dedicate this small space on my website to the 2 things that get me through the good times and the bad: *Diet Coke & Marlboro Reds* (AKA. The dieters friends) |
Pro Ana
Due to the recent anihilation of my pro-ana site, the link is no longer valid. I am ferverently working on another site of the same ilk however, so watch this space. This site, in honour of our Goddess Ana, is entitled "My Goddess Ana" (funnily enough!) Before I go, big shout-out to anyone who knows me from the site or from the various pro-ana clubs i am a member of! Love u all!
Please note, though, that my puter died on me a while ago, so at the moment, my internet access is *extremely* limited. I know a lot of you have emailed me and/or left messages in my guestbook, so rest assured that I intend to reply to each and every one. I would just like to apologise for the delay & let you know that I haven't forgotten or ignored your messages. Be talkin' to ya...
Ex-Boyfriend acting the jerk? Some bee-atch givin' you hassle?
Don't get mad, GET EVEN!!!
Here you'll find some classic revenge schemes - some hilarious, some just downright mean!
If you're out for revenge, you have GOT to see this! And hey, it's a fun read anyway!!!